Class News


Students must be in uniform everyday, and all uniforms must have the school 
logo on it. This will ensure the safety of all our students. Additionally all students
wearing sweaters must wear either the school sweater or a plain navy one. No
other colors are allowed.

Students are required to bring their supplies to school daily. This includes items 
necessary for their special area classes such as Spanish, Art, Music, and 
Physical Education. Students are to have at least 5 sharpened pencils in 
their pencil pouches everyday.

Classroom Rules
Please review the following classroom rules with your child.

  1. Follow directions the first time given.
  2. Raise your hand to speak and wait to be called on by the teacher.
  3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  4. Be respectful of school property.
  5. Come to class on time, prepared, and ready to learn.